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We must take the weather, as it comes. Even the most skilled specialists cannot change that. With our "interior climate" is that fortunately completely quite different.

Research shows that the climate in many homes is not good enough; there are too high concentrations of harmful substances present. For example, radon from a crawl space, carbon monoxide from gas stoves or an unvented geyser. When using gas and during burning of gas, moisture is released, which is, given the problems with moisture in the winter an additional burden. This problem disappears with better ventilation and safer facilities for electricity, heating and hot water.

Demand-controlled ventilation will reduce the harmful effects of toxic fumes, organic particles in the air and the distribution of viruses and bacteria which are often the source of various seasonal diseases.

ventilation - air cleaning systems - heat recovery system

It is therefore good for your health and the condition of your house or business to regularly ventilate, especially for people with allergies, it is very important to clean the air with an air cleaning system. Our air cleaning systems cleans the air e.g. from dust, pollen, tobacco smoke, mold, bacteria, pet hair and odors. You can also choose a heat recovery system, that allows you not only to clean the air, but also use the heat from the rooms to warm your house.

For a proper and professional installation of a ventilation system an accurate calculation is of great importance. By a proper balance between the air taken in and the adjustment of the extraction points in a building, the maximum effect will be achieved.

The comfort can be increased still further, as other systems and installations are integrated in the process of this adjustment. Parts of ventilation are:

  • Air Purification
  • Humidifiers
  • Dehumidifiers
  • Heat recovery
  • Air handling units
  • Airconditioning